Thu, 8. 12. 2016, 7:00 p.m.

C3 I, Job!

Venue: Zlín Congress Centre  |  Organizer: Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.  | 

D.Rotter: I, Job!
Soloists: Boleslav Polívka, recitation
Ondřej Ruml, vocals
Linda Fernandez Saez, dance
Dodo Gombár, libretto and stage direction

Featuring: Canticum Camerale, Choral Director: Jiří Šon

Conductor: Vojtěch Spurný

The playwright and director Dodo Gombár and the composer David Rotter present a contemporary oratorio representing the culmination of one stage of their joint creative journey. "I, Job!" is a musical drama which draws on the Old Testament Book of Job. At the same time, the work finds inspiration in contemporary writing, the experience of the everyday, and the immediate reality.

The presentation takes the form of music and drama, spanning these two genres, reaching beyond the parameters of a concert into the enclosed and intimate world of theatre. It asks if man can be true to his ideals, views and beliefs if his life takes a different path than he had planned and imagined, if he is able to react to difficult life circumstances, how far he is able to accept his own responsibility for these, and at what point can his faith, convictions and attitudes be said to be real and mature. Is our life journey a concatenation of chance and luck, or is it shaped by a higher force?

In this unique presentation, Boleslav Polívka will take the role of Job with all the experience that has shaped his life, while his alter ego Job, at the height of his strength and power, is played by Ondřej Ruml. The dancer and choreographer Linda Fernandez Saez plays the metaphysical force alternating between the divine and the diabolical.

Zlín Congress Centre

  • Ulice: nám. T. G. Masaryka 5556
  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika

Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.

  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika