Thu, 29. 3. 2018, 7:00 p.m.


Venue: Zlín Congress Centre  |  Organizer: Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.  | 

L. Janáček. From the House of the Dead, overture
R. Glière: Concerto for Harp and Orchestra in E-flat major, Op. 74.
R. Strauss: Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life), Op. 40

soloists: Jana Boušková, harp
              Pavel Mikeska, violin
Conductor: Daid Švec

The Czech harpist Jana Boušková, solo harp with the Czech Philharmonic, teaches at the Royal Academy in Brussels and is a laureate of the world's most prestigious harp competitions. Described as a "talent of the century", she is much sought-after on concert stages all over the world. She will perform the highly virtuoso harp concerto by Reinhold Glière, who was born in Ukraine in 1875 and was taught the violin by the Czech Otakar Ševčík. Before that concerto we will hear Leoš Janáček's powerful overture to his last opera, inspired by Dostoyevsky's novel The House of the Dead, a portrayal of the writer's own experience as a political prisoner recast into the setting of a Siberian penal colony. The second half of the concert features Richard Strauss's monumental symphonic work Ein Heldenleben, his sixth symphonic poem written in 1898, in which he depicted himself.


Zlín Congress Centre

  • Ulice: nám. T. G. Masaryka 5556
  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika

Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.

  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika