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Wed, 13. 3. 2019, 7.00 p.m.


Venue: Zlín Congress Centre  |  Organizer: Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.  | 

Josef Špaček, violin
Tomáš Brauner, conductor

The world-famous architect, designer and daughter of Zlín Eva Jiřičná celebrates an important milestone birthday in March 2019 and the Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic orchestra, of course, is not letting this event pass unnoticed. The central idea of this concert is to express our profound gratitude to this inspirational woman who was instrumental in creating for the Zlín philharmonic orchestra the unique home that is the Congress Centre. We are therefore all the more delighted to announce that Eva Jiřičná, holder of the Order of the British Empire, was pleased to accept the Orchestra's invitation to be present in person at our concert tonight. Our soloist is none other than the internationally acclaimed brilliant musician Josef Špaček, one of the country's top-notch violinists and concert master with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.

Zlín Congress Centre

  • Ulice: nám. T. G. Masaryka 5556
  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika

Filharmonie Bohuslava Martinů, o.p.s.

  • Město: Zlín
  • PSČ: 760 01
  • Stát: Česká republika